Monday 15 December 2014

Cinderella Law?

Home, if I could even class it as that my guardians are emotionally abusive and I dont know how much longer I can take it. I know about the new law coming out about emotional abuse and neglect but when I spoke to my detective about my current situation he said he cannot investigate it as its not criminal! So what would you class it as then?

My guardians:

• They make fun of me and put me down in front of others. Especially at family gatherings. They tease me and use sarcasm as a way to put me down and degrade me.
• They regularly ridicule, dismiss, disregard my opinions, thoughts, suggestions, and feelings. Saying I just want attention.
• They treat me like a child, they constantly correct and chastise me because of things in the past and my behavior.
• They make me “get permission” before going somewhere or before making even small decisions, such as opening food or using home equipment.
• They treat me as though I am inferior to them. They're always right.
• They often remind me of my shortcomings, they belittle my accomplishments, my aspirations, my plans and even who I am.
• They give disapproving, dismissive, contemptuous, or condescending looks, especially my mum.
• Accusing and blaming for wrong choices,
• They accuse me of something contrived in their own minds when I know it isn’t true.
•They're unable to laugh at themselves and are extremely sensitive when it comes to others making fun of them or making any kind of comment that seems to show a lack of respect.
• They make excuses for their behavior or tend to blame others or circumstances for their mistakes.
• They call me names and label me. Swear and mistreat me.
• They blame me for their problems or unhappiness.
• Do they continually have “boundary violations” and disrespect your valid requests
• They can be Emotional distancing and use the “silent treatment,” as well as making things isolating especially when I was younger. Refuse to listen after an argument or incident.
• They would use withdrawal or withholding attention or affection when there's been an incident mainly when I was younger as now I dont feel the need for it.
• They play the victim to deflect blame onto me instead of taking responsibility for their actions and attitudes.
• They don't notice or care how I feel, they rarely show empathy or ask questions to gather information.
•They sometimes dont respect or protect my personal boundaries and share information that you have not approved.
• They disrespect my requests and do what they think is best regardless of my opinion or ideas.

It's a nightmare here but what else can I do, any advice or awareness would be greatful!?